Wednesday, March 21, 2007

ASP.NET SqlDataSource Parameters Don't play with HiddenField controls

A little piece of information that might be helpful to someone...
If you have a SqlDataSource that has parameters and you are binding them to a control, you may have problems if you try binding them to HiddenField controls.

I had a simple gridview that was looking up records based on an ID. I had everything working fine with the sqldatasource bound to a session variable called session("myid"). But, I decided I wanted to cache the value on the page to eliminate timeout issues. So I added a hiddenfield to the page. In the page load event I set this hiddenfield with the ID value, just like I did with the session, but the grid would not pull the records anymore. I tried calling DataBind on the grid and even on the SqlDataSource and it doesn't pull the records.

When I changed the variable back to a session variable it worked just fine. I didn't have to call Databind. The SqlDataSource is smart enough to detect a change in the parameter and will refresh.

I also tried using a label control. This one worked fine too. In my instance, I just wrote at the top of the page "Welcome [label with my userid]" and I was on to the next task.

Happy Coding!

Monday, March 19, 2007

Nerd Test

I am nerdier than 90% of all people. Are you nerdier? Click here to find out!
Just took the nerd test. If you want to take it click on the image. Happy coding!